Sunday, April 8, 2012

G is for Ghosts

Hi there everyone, I have been very busy with school work and my mind has been all over the place. For G I wanted to go into talking about Ghosts. About 2 years ago I wrote a poem called "Relinquished" which will be published soon in my college's literary magazine. When I wrote this I was in an emotional state and felt like taking my emotions and placing into another imaginary person. I am an empathic healer and sometimes I get too caught up in my own emotions. To release those emotions, I created an individual in my mind who had been murdered. She has no name and speaks about her life after death. Each paragraph will explain everything you need to know about Ghosts. I hope that you enjoy! 

I can still remember it faintly, the beating of my little but broken heart. 
The sky becomes black as velvet, and I am afraid, but I look to the moon.
Trampling through the corpses lying in this graveyard.
I dream of somewhere, someplace I used to adore; my ocean.
Sand between my toes and the tossing of waves before the nightmare of my cancer.
Now, all I see are crucifixes and the shadows of men still stalking to murder.  

Where is my redeemer to save my lost soul in this corruption?
Is it fair, for the divine to cease the beating of my heart?
For why has the light disappeared and been swallowed whole by this cancer?
They say the light can be sudden, and that only the righteous ones can view the magnificence.
As I am departed, I would have rather dived sinking to the bottom of my ocean.
The water is so much more bearable and I seek no serenity in this graveyard. 

The dead discombobulated in their uncontrollable nature, roam this haunted graveyard. 
However, I feel as though they did not deserve their slang of malevolent murder. 
I close my eyes and I lift my head to the imagery of my sanctuary, my ocean.
I lurk for the hope deep inside of my motionless heart.

As I sob in my treachery, I wish I could go back and battle off my cancer.
All that I am is obsolete, just like everyone else buried in this damned graveyard.
When the trees are bare, here the branches cringe at the moon.
I wished for anyone restless to abduct the men who caused my murder.

Depth can be quite clear that wickedness could never withstand my ocean.
The rapture of the waves would have swallowed my cancer.
Euphoria used to radiate in the aquatic and in my pulsating heart.
I see gaiety no more but only grim of the spirits surrounding this graveyard. 

In a perfect state of mind, I could touch the rim of the moon.
In my memories, my mind will lead me back to my distant ocean.
In a perfect world, my fate would not have lead me to my murder.
I am and I will always be bounded to this gruesome graveyard.
The requiem presented by the living will morn, then I will have to accept 
my new reality from the bottom of  my little lifeless heart.   

Saturday, March 17, 2012


For most of my life I have been an unconscious Pagan. I would go to church with my mother and go to spend time with my dad for Jewish holidays but there was always something missing. For most of my life, I was very lost and confused. My mother told me that my Dad was going to Hell and my Dad told me that Judaism is the "true" religion and it is foolish to believe in Jesus Christ. When I went off to college from the ages of 18-20, I have encountered people telling me that there is no such thing as a Higher Power. They say that science needs to prove to me that something exists out there. Did I believe this? No. Does that mean what they believe is wrong? No. I do have friends that claim to be Agnostic or Atheist and I respect what they feel is right. Being pagan to me means that I have freedom. I can choose what I feel is right and nobody can dictate that. Not every pagan will agree with things that I am saying and I respect that too.

I personally believe that all Gods are one whether you are Pagan, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Christian, etc. It really bothers me when people tell me that I believe in false Gods. We are really all the same. For example, I am sometimes scared of walking alone at night. One time I had no choice but to walk somewhere and I just told myself Gods, spirits, and or guardians please keep me safe from harm. When I had that faith, the people who seemed suspicious did not come too close to me and my prayers were answered. This could go the same for a Christian praying to Jesus Christ. I am not bashing Christians, but I have come in contact with some who tell me that they are superior to other religions. I choose the Pagan path because it makes sense to me not because it is superior to other faiths. I find that believing in different Gods ( from the Celtic Pantheon) is personable and very comforting.

I not only worship the Gods but I worship nature and the elements. Whenever I take a walk I can hear the whisper of the trees and it is so soothing. I am also a huge animal lover and respect all creatures. I feel empowered to be Pagan and to be apart of my circle of Pagan friends. When we all do ritual, raise energy and call in elements I feel so alive. It makes me feel like I am not the only one and I can finally be free!

Currently I have been trying to find a job and I did a job finding spell with one of my friends. With intent and faith in our patron Gods everything felt different afterwards. I have faith that your thoughts become things.  We told the universe what we desired and when I went out to go on my job search one of the places I applied to was Chipotle and they gave me a mini-interview on the spot. They liked me so much that they wanted me come back in for another interview. I am expecting a call from one of the managers soon and I am hoping that everything goes well. I know that the goddess Brigid has been helping me out and I am eternally thankful for her being here for me. She has been working in mysterious ways.

Lastly, I am asking for blessings to help me and my friend out to make sure everything goes smoothly with us getting employed. This is very important to us!    

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Elven Shamanic Healing

Everyone knows the Elves are known to be members of the Fae and that they are also incredible healers. I stumbled on "Elven Shamanic Healing" presented by Vision in the Stars Reiki & Psychic Center and decided to talk about what I learned. It is not really known why the elves came into this realm and histories vary. There is a symbol or visual used to represent something in their environment and aid in the healing process.

The Elven 7 pointed star is very common in their history and lore. It represents The Sun, Tree Spirits, Water Spirits, Magic, The Gateway, Wind spirits, and Success.

Arda is the symbol that allows them to channel the healing from the Earth.

Vilya is the symbol that allows them to channel the healing from the Air.

Naur is the symbol that allows them to channel the healing from Fire.

Alu is the is the symbol that allows them to channel from the Water.

Helin Runya is the symbol that allows them to channel the healing from the Violet Flame.

Fea is the symbol that allows them to channel from the Healing Spirit.

Keaver Sintar is the symbol that allows them to channel from Animal Spirit guides.  

Hyandra Fallaner is the symbol that allows them to channel the healing from the blade of healing.

Leuthil is the symbol that channels energy from crystals, which is used to replenish an Elf's energy.

Shae is the symbol that allows them to channel energy from the ocean. It gives a powerful cleansing of the body, mind, and soul.

Alkarine is the star of healing that allows healing energy to come from the Elven Sky.

Feanor is the fire phoenix symbol, or spirit of the fire. It allows healing to come from the lava and fires that burn underneath the earth.

Maikar is the master symbol and attunes others to the Elven energy and crates in their soul a oneness with the Elven Healing Energy.

Healing techniques from the Elves usually involve mantras that help bring the energy forth. It started discussing how the writer experienced Solar Plexis Chakra Healing from a Shaman. The shaman started the healing by using a mantra and then clapping his hands above the solar plexis and envisioning the Elven 7 pointed star going into the writer's body. The Shaman used the solar plexis to activate a whole body healing. The shaman then showed how to apply the traditional Elven healing with motions of hands. They began at the eyes and The Shaman guided the writer to put her palms facing upwards for 30 seconds, and then flip them to rest on top of the eyes for 3-5 minutes. she repeated this routine for other parts of the body.

Eyes, Top of the Head, Sides of the Head, Back of the Head, Throat, Shoulders, Breast Bone, Heart, Diaphragm, Upper Abdomen, Center Abdomen, Lower Abdomen, Genitals, Thighs, Knees, Shins, Feet, Heels, Back to Shins, Back to knees, Back to thighs, Bottom, Lower Back, Mid Back, Lower Shoulder Blades, ( she was then instructed to turn her hands vertical and put them over the middle of the shoulder blades and her hands tandem to one another), Back of neck, back of head, Crown (2 inches above head),  She then drew a line from the 12th Chakra down to the solar plexis were the Shaman envisioned the 7 pointed Star. The star rose out of the body  and words of the mantra were spoken in his head. Then the energy that rose out of the solar plexis was pushed back down into the writer.

To receive attunements to accept healing from the elves one can dream about the methods in which were used to allow the energy to settle deep within your soul. To accept an attunement, make sure you are comfortable and relaxed. then tell yourself you are ready for healing. A master attunement could be received while taking a bath when you are relaxed as well. Just let the energy flow to you.

Some of the other things within this presentation was complicated and I did not feel it was important to incorporate it within my post. All I wanted to show was the basics of what I feel is right to share.



Saturday, February 18, 2012

D is for Dowsing

Dowsing started off in Germany during the 15th century and employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals, gemstones, and even grave sites. A Y or L shaped twig or rod is sometimes used during dowsing. Some dowsers prefer branches from particular trees and some prefer the branches to be freshly cut.  The two ends on the forked side are held one in each hand with the third (the stem of the "Y") pointing straight ahead. Often the branches are grasped palms down. The dowser then walks slowly over the places where he suspects the target (for example, minerals or water) may be, and the dowsing rod supposedly dips, inclines or twitches when a discovery is made. This method is sometimes known as "Willow Witching."

Dowsing can also be used in energy medicine by using a pendulum. Pendulums have the ability to detect negative energy and remove it from the body. The energy field that surrounds each of us behaves sort of like a static dust mop, picking up undesirable energies that can lead to irritability or mood shifts. You may notice that being in the presence of a particular person causes you to feel tired and worn out. Or you may experience discomfort or uneasiness after visiting a friend's home. Frequently the cause for this discomfort is due to disharmonious energies that have become 'stuck' in our energy field. Dowsing is an effective tool that can be used to clear these unwanted energies. Dowsing can also be used to fortify and increase the protective ability of your energy field so that when confronted with an energetically challenging person or environment, you are better able to remain centered and clear of influences.

So how do you use dowsing to heal?

After picking your preferred method, whichever one feels comfortable and right to you, it is absolutely crucial to have a still, quiet mind, basically in a neutral state.
It is not easy, or accurate, to attempt to dowse when you are worried about something or in a hurry or under pressure.

Pick a quiet spot, on your own, and practise deep, meaningful breathing for a few minutes, to calm your whole system down.

For beginners, it is preferable to sit, with your feet firmly on the ground.

If using a pendulum, the method is to grasp the chain or material the pendulum is suspended on, by your thumb and index finger, leaving about 5 inches of the chain hanging. Start it swinging in motion, towards and away from you.

If using rods, grasp them firmly, but lightly, by the handles, the longer part of it pointing forward and as horizontal as possible.

The first question to ask, and one which is individual to each person is “Show me the movement for yes”. After you get the response, then ask to be shown the movement for no. Typically, a pendulum will begin a definite clockwise circle for ‘yes’ and an anti-clockwise circle for ‘no’. Divining rods tend to move inwards for ‘yes’ and outwards for ‘no’. However, everyone is different, and your response may vary to these.

Once you have a definite response to these basic questions, you are ready to dowse. It’s as simple as that!

When testing for actual material items, such as choosing a homeopathic remedy or tissue salt or checking a food to see if you have a sensitivity to it, it is an advantage to dowse using a pendulum over the remedy.

If you are testing for someone else, you can either touch their arm while using the pendulum, or an item of their clothing – this is really just to make the connection on behalf of someone else. 

It will take practise and patience but amazing results are there for you to enjoy.